Jaraíz de la Vera will soon have two museums. One of them will be dedicated to ceramics, and the other to the painter Jaime de Jaraíz, born in the town of Verata in 1934. The latter will host works by the artist who died in Madrid in 2007. Precisely on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his death, This weekend there have been various events commemorating the figure of the famous Verato painter.
On Saturday, the wife of Jaime de Jaraíz, along with their children, relatives and local authorities, led by the mayor, Luis Miguel Núñez Romero, participated in a Eucharist, celebrated in the church of Santa María, with a visit to the house where he was born, Jaime de Jaraiz; the old Plaza de Abastos, which will soon house the Jaime de Jaraíz Museum; and the municipal cemetery, where the mortal remains of the artist from Jaraiceño rest.
For his part, the municipal councilor has advanced this morning in statements to EL PERIÓDICO EXTREMADURA that the Jaime de Jaraíz Museum will show the public works by this outstanding universal painter, “in addition to the studio where he painted and played the guitar.”
The mayor also said that the objectives of the Jaime de Jaraíz Museum “have the same purpose as that of the Ceramics Museum: to attract tourism, and to publicize the humanistic and cultural heritage of our town, through these museums, and that people come to know them”.
Regarding the opening, Luis Miguel Núñez calculated “around six months”. With regard to the payment of the works that need to be carried out, the mayor revealed that “they will be borne by the central government and the municipal coffers.”
Finally, in reference to the acts that have taken place this weekend, the mayor stated that “everything was very beautiful and emotional. The family liked it a lot”, as well as the attendees, he concluded.